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In the past two issues of Spotlight we examined origin of the seven day week and of the day-names. We will take a look at some words and phrases associated with the first day of the week, Sunday. First of all, we should clear up the difference between Sunday and the sabbath. Sabbath is the Jewish holy day and lasts from dusk Friday to dusk Saturday and the name is the English form of the Hebrew shabboth (from the Hebrew root shobath "to rest"). Most Christians recognize the distinction between Sunday and "the sabbath" and Catholics are specifically enjoined not to confuse the two. Also, Muslims, whose holy day is Friday, call Saturday "the sabbath". So, where did the confusion arise? The very first Christians were a Jewish sect who attended the synagogue each sabbath to worship with other Jews. Then, on the following day, they would meet with like-minded Jews for their Christian worship. This is how Sunday became a holy day for Christians but, as Sunday is a day of rest in most Christian societies, some Christians assumed that it was identical with the Jewish "day of rest", the sabbath. Latin had two words for Sunday, Mithraists called it dies
solis but Christians called it dies domenica ("day of the
lord"). Many Sundays have special significance in the Christian calendar such as Pentecost which is also called Whit Sunday or Whitsun because new white clothes were worn in church parades that day. Rogation Sunday, also called Gang Sunday (from gang "going, journeying") because of its liturgical processions or Cantate Sunday after the first word of the introit to the mass said on that day. There are several other Sundays named like this, including Quasimodo Sunday. The introit to the mass which is celebrated on this day begins Quasimodo gentili infantes "as if we were new-born children". The newborn child Quasimodo (Latin "as if"), the celebrated fictional hunchback, was supposed to have been abandoned at Notre Dame cathedral on this Sunday. In addition to these religious Sundays, America has Mother's
Day and Britain has
Mothering Sunday. Brits often assume that these two are one and the
same but Mothering Sunday is far older than Mother's Day.
The Until very recently, Sunday was working people's only day of rest. This resulted in the expressions Sunday driver and Sunday painter. Most folks who go to church like to wear their Sunday best clothes (also known as Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes), a concept which inspired Sunday punch, a powerful punch which is saved for special occasions. Here is an old recipe for Peach Sundae:
The story of how this ice-cream concoction got its name is probably the most popular and well-known of all etymologies. As is well known, the city fathers of Evanston, Illinois passed a city ordinance forbidding the sale of ice-cream sodas on a Sunday. The enterprising proprietor of the town's ice-cream parlor responded by serving his "ice-cream soda" without soda - just ice-cream and fruit. Initially, he called this a Sunday but bowed to local pressure and called it a Sundae so that it would not seem blasphemous. This, as we said, is well-known and, like many well-known "facts", it's probably untrue. The city of Ithaca, New York and the state of Connecticut also claim the honor of inventing the Sundae. It's not only the place of its origin which is in dispute, there are considerable variations in other aspects of the story. One version has it that a sundae is so called because it was a dish served on Monday made of Sunday's left-over ice-cream. Even the spelling isn't free from debate - one of the earliest references spells it Sundi. Words for SundayTranslated from Babylonian
From contact with Mithraism
From Mithraism but indirectly, via Teutonic Sunnundag
From Christianity
So much for Sunday. [Phew!] We will eventually address the other days of the week but next Spotlight will be devoted to another topic entirely. |
From Steven Kahn:
So, Steven, your wife told you that the letters f, o and b stand for something and you believed it, eh? Our advice is to humbly submit to your better half and beg her to divulge her answer. There is good reason for this. For one thing, you'll look good by deferring to her opinion (always a good idea.) but, more importantly, she's wrong, fob is not an acronym. So, either she has an incorrect answer which you can prove wrong, or she is bluffing and has no answer at all. Either way, you win. OK, don't tell your wife that we told you this
but fob originally meant a small pocket, especially a secret Most readers will have a set of keys which, most likely, reside on a key-ring. Most people's key-ring has some object dangling from it often purely decorative. It could be a simple leather tag with a car-dealer's name or a yellow plastic Tweety-pie or a miniature soccer ball. We've all seen them, most of us have them, but what do you call these things? Simple. They are called fobs, by analogy with those decorative things on the end of fob chains. These days, there are even fobs which open garage doors. While f-o-b isn't an acronym it is an abbreviation. F. O. B. (pronounced eff-oh-bee) means "free on board" and F. O. B. S. (pronounced eff-oh-bee-ess) means "fractional orbital bombardment system" but we can't imagine that your wife had either of those in mind. |
From Jack Davis:
Us our wit's end? Never. Not only does the wit flow freely here at TOWFI Towers but we also have the answer to your question. A quadratic equation is so called because it contains a number which is squared (Latin quadratum "square"). When a number is multiplied by itself it is said to be "squared". Ancient Greek and Roman mathematicians thought in visual terms, if a square floor has ten tiles on each side then it has 100 (i.e. 10 x 10) tiles. That is why we say that "10 squared" is 100. Incidentally, if an equation is called quadratic when it contains something raised to the second power (x times x), what do you call an equation which contains something raised to the fourth power (x times x times x times x)? Answer: quartic. |
From Stephanie Cates:
You're right, Stephanie, it is a ridiculous request but we'll answer it anyway. Seriously, we're not surprised that you couldn't find it in an American dictionary as it is peculiarly British. Cockney, actually. The expression Gordon Bennett is not so much "slang" as a "minced oath". As we explained in a Spotlight, "minced oaths" are used to avoid saying a blasphemous or otherwise offensive phrase. In this way Jeepers Creepers substitutes for Jesus Christ. As you are no doubt aware, Cockneys are non-rhotic. That is, they don't pronounce an r when it's before a consonant. Thus they pronounce Gordon as gawdon, the first syllable of which sounds, to a Cockney, just like God. Gordon Bennett, then, is a way of saying "God!" without causing (too much) offense. Who was he? Gordon W. Bennett was a U.S. newspaper magnate with a flair for publicity. He sponsored various international sporting events including a race to circumnavigate the globe which inspired the movie "The Great Race". |
From Richard Rosser:
Well, the Indo-European root *(s)meit(e)- is as close as we come to the original form. It meant "to throw" and was the origin of the Latin verb mittere "to release, to send, to throw". This Latin word gave us quite a lot of words including mass, mess, mission, admit, missile, commit, dismiss, emit, omit, permit, promise, remit, submit, surmise and transmit.
In the 18th century, mess was less in human contexts but was used to mean food given to animals and in the 19th century, the meaning of "a stew" was lost altogether. Instead its meaning degenerated to "a hodge-podge of ingredients, a muddled confusion". From there it was all downhill. In the 1830s it was understood to mean "an unwelcome situation" (as in to get into a mess) and by 1850 meant "a dirty or untidy condition". Finally, in the 20th century it came to mean "feces, excrement", and by 1928 Kipling could say "It [a dog] made a mess in the corner". From "food" to "feces" in 300 years. Isn't English wonderful? |
From Jackie Carrell:
It's fortunate that you said "couch, sofa" because in the 19th century there was a style of writing desk called a davenport. Both the writing desk and the couch are assumed to be named after the craftsmen who invented them. Sorry, no definitive answer this time. The earliest written reference we can find to a davenport couch is 1897 in the Washington Post. Oddly, in the earliest record of the writing desk (1853) it is spelled Devonport, like the place. (It's a port. In Devon.) Just to add to the glorious confusion, Davenport (with a capital D) is a kind of Staffordshire china which was made between 1793 and 1882 by the Davenport family of Longport. In Britain, a davenport couch was called a Chesterfield. This word was used for a kind of overcoat, too, both being named after a 19th century Earl of Chesterfield. |
From Wendy Hamilton: UPDATED JANUARY 2006
Thank you for the compliments and
good wishes, Wendy Yes, believe it or not, chaise lounge is now an accepted spelling and pronunciation. The original French term, chaise longue meant a "long chair" but, for English speakers, longue was just a little too similar to lounge. This process, whereby an unfamiliar foreign word is replaced by a similar, but more familiar word, is called folk etymology, because it is the folk, or regular speakers, who make the change (it is also sometimes called "Hobson-Jobson", after an authoritative Indian-English dictionary of the 19th century). Some quite respectable words and phrases have entered the language in this way. For instance, a Dutch military term, verloren hoop ("lost troop"), became the English expression forlorn hope. |
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From Bruce Yanoshek:
The orthography of dialects is quite fluid. The basic rule is to impart the appropriate sound to your reader. Sometimes, though, the usual spelling doesn't do this (see discussion of you all, below). We tend to side with you, though. What if the reader expects youse to rhyme with mouse? |
From Daniel Sherman:
Whoa, Nellie (er, Daniel)! We're not sure that Ms. Carpenter was smearing anyone; we expect her tongue was in her cheek when she referred to "Yankees". Her complaints about incorrect usage of dialectical words or phrases are valid, because most such transgressions occur in television and film, spoken by terribly clichéd Southern (U.S.) characters. Real Southerners who use y'all never use that word to apply to fewer than two people. The creators of those clichéd characters should do better research! |
From Endre Lunde:
We were not speculating about the origins of English day names. The Teutonic names were adopted around 200 A.D. in continental Europe. Some of the Teutonic tribes later invaded Britain and became the Anglo-Saxons. Other Teutons migrated to Scandinavia, hence the similarity of the names. I say similarity because the Old English names of their gods are not identical with their Norse counterparts. For instance, the Anglo-Saxons worshipped Woden, not Odin and Thunor, not Tor. By the way, Friday is named after Frigg, wife of Woden, not Frøya (a.k.a. Frey). |
From "a
Just like print magazines, we get so many letters that it is simply not possible for us to reply to them personally. That is why we have this column, Sez You..., so that letters of general interest can be shared with all readers, just as print magazines do. We do try to e-mail readers whose queries we use in a given week, but so far we have not been able to alert readers whose letters we publish in this column. Perhaps that will happen in the near future. |
From Jim Stapleton:
Well spotted, Jim. |
From Dennis Foley:
Perhaps the earliest use of dingbat as an insult! |
From Marco di
The meaning we gave was the English one. Words frequently change meanings as they cross borders. In fact, this is one of the delights of etymology. |
From Phyllis Gerben:
A few more data-points like this and we can start drawing a map. |
From Robert Gadient:
Americans seem to have the remarkable ability to restore lost features of the language. At one time, English had thou (singular) and you (plural). Standard English lost thee, thou and thine in the 17th century but these words still survive in the dialects of northern England. |
Laughing Stock |
A few more examples of general absurdity... |
"Go ask Bubba for the real big eraser."
"That nice Reverend Kevorkian helped us with the sign."
"How much for the negatives?"
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01/09/06 07:32 PM