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A reader recently asked if sheriff was really derived from shire-reeve and if constable truly meant "count of the stable". The answer to both is a resounding "er.. well, kind of". First off, we should explain that shire (from Old English scir) means "county" and a reeve (from Old English gerefa) was a "king's representative". Sheriff is the modern form of the Old English scirgerefa but, although that literally means "shire-reeve", there never was a post of shire-reeve as such. One might imagine that gerefa is related to the German title of graf (or grave) but, apparently, the resemblance is coincidental. Among those who care about such matters, the German rank of graf is considered equivalent to that of earl in England and count in other parts of Europe. Earl is from the Old English word eorl which in its original usage could mean either "a noble" (i.e. not a churl) or "a warrior" and possibly derives from the Indo-European root *ers- meaning simply "a man". The title of count comes from Latin comes, "companion" (from cum, "with") and is literally "one who accompanies" the ruler. The literal meaning was seldom true, however, and comes was merely a vague title of rank used in the Roman Empire. By 438 A.D. it was being applied so loosely that a groom or stable-servant was called comes stabuli. This is the origin of constable and it would be more accurate to translate it as "officer of the stable", not "count of the stable". Another word of similar meaning is marshal, from Old High German marahscalh (literally "horse-servant") which has relatives in English mare "female horse" and German schalk, "rogue". Knight and sergeant also come from words meaning "servant": knight from Old English cniht "servant" and sergeant from Latin servientem "serving". Baron derives from a late Latin word baro which, according to context, could mean "man", "servant" or even "blockhead". Just as one would suspect, a county is the territory of a count but at one time the terms were used interchangeably. Thus, a 16th century writer referred to "Iohn, countie of Arminack" where we would have said "John, count of Armagnac". Count has never been used as an English title, though an earl's wife is called a countess and the rank immediately below earl is viscount (i.e. vice-count). As duke comes from Latin dux (= "leader") it would be natural to assume that it has its origins in ancient Rome. But its history is not that simple. The first dukes were leaders of the
Lombards - members of a Teutonic tribe which invaded northern One old meaning of
mark (or march)
was "a boundary", a meaning which is preserved in the The word king is related to kin. Presumably, the first kings lead a single tribe who all considered each other to be kin. Judging by its roots, a queen is simply the wife of a king - from Old English cwen "wife". This form took its present exalted meaning by Middle English while the related form quean came to mean "harlot". From an etymological perspective, the highest rank of all should be prince as it comes from Latin princeps "first" (from primus "first" + -cipere "to take"). However (at least in the English system) the order of precedence is king, queen, prince, princess, duke, marquis, earl, viscount, baron, knight. |
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Last Updated 05/22/01 10:11 PM