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Due to demand from our readers (well, reader
- see Sez You...) we return to the days of the week, this time Wednesday.
From Old English Wodnes daeg, it is literally "the day of
Wod[e]n." This god was known to Teutons as Wotan and to
the The Roman Empire of the 2nd Century brought the cult of Mithras to northern Europe. With it came the week of seven days, each day being named after a god (or goddess) who was also a planet. Soon, probably to simplify trade, the bordering tribes adopted this system. Curiously, as the equivalent of Mercury, messenger of the gods, they chose Woden. The reason may have been that they were both celebrated for their eloquence or that they both traveled faster than the wind - Woden on his eight-legged horse and Mercury on his winged sandals. (Mercury is the fastest moving planet.) Perhaps they found a deeper resonance in the "crazy", "poetically inspired" origins of Woden and the shamanic aspect of Mercury/Hermes as psychopomp ("guide of souls"). Maybe. [Look, it was 1,800 years ago and the sect was secret.] In ecclesiastical Latin the week consisted of Sabbatum "the Sabbath", Dominicus "the Lord's day" and feria "weekdays". Eventually, the term greater feria was used for those Christian festivals, such as "Ash Wednesday" or "Rogation Monday", which fell on a weekday. Thus feria is the origin of the English fair and of the Portuguese feira "day". That's about it for Wednesday, not very exciting but at least it's hump day, the middle of the week, the day when we start looking forward to the next weekend. Words for WednesdayFrom the Babylonians
Note that the Sanskrit for Mercury is budha "intellect", not buddha "awakened". From contact with Mithraism
Derived from Latin dies mercurii
From Mithraism. indirectly, via Teutonic Wodnesdag
From Christianity,
Some Quakers also said (say?) Midweek for Wednesday. From Judaism
From Christianity
There's that feira word. From Christianity (via numerically challenged scribes)
And, lest we forget that early Christians fasted on Wednesday as well as on Friday... From Christianity
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Last Updated 03/11/01 05:37 PM