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Those who help keep this site running in 2006

These folks have made donations to Take Our Word For It (listed in no particular order; we no longer list your city of residence to protect your privacy).  Note that several folks have been giving to TOWFI since we first started accepting donations in 2001, and others give multiple times in a single year.  Thanks to ALL OF YOU who have donated and continue to donate:

Dave Holmes-Kinsella $25
Bob Band* $20
George Monsisvais $5
Therese Pine* $10
Anthony Galligani $5
Kelly Johnson* $10
Kathryn Johnson $15
Michael Plog* $100
Amy Jussel* $50
Art Donnersbach $25
Jacqueline Fuchs $15
Will Newman $20
Therese Pine $10
Michael Sharbaugh $5
Judy Stonecipher $5
Mary Gray $5
Therese Pine $5
Richard Rice $1
Ralph Slade* $10
Edmund Bower $10
Richard Pardoe $100
Rachel Unkefer $10
James Neville $15
Anita Methvin $10
Michael Ryan $6
Sebastian Eckert $10
Kelly Johnson $100
Daniel Kelber* $50
Stuart White $10
Anthony Hill $25
Silvio Graci $10

Those who helped keep this site running in 2005

These generous folks have made donations to Take Our Word For It (listed in no particular order; we no longer list your city of residence to protect your privacy):

Douglas Miller $10
Joseph Byrd* $10
Ricky Hicks $10
Diane Abell $25
Christian Ludwig $10
John Sparacio $5
Charles Parlin $25
Bruce McCarthy $20
Richard Spindler $10
Amy Jussel $50
Michael Sepulveda $5
Georg Trimborn $5
Vic Pandya $25
Kirk Brewer $20
Kelly Johnson $10
Jacklyn Moore $10
Kevin Beringer $5
Josef Breutzmann $15
Carolina Pedraza $10

Those who helped keep this site running in 2004

These generous folks have made donations to Take Our Word For It:

Suzanne Mallett, Trinidad, CA: $10 (Our first donor of the year!)
Charles Ferguson $10
Barbara Hancock $10

Those who helped keep this site running in 2003

These generous folks have made donations to Take Our Word For It:

Entspire: They gave 6 copies of their Derivation game for TOWFI fundraising (donors gave $75 for the game).  (Click on their name to visit their site.)

Richard Booth* $100

Daniel Boyle* $100

David Pendleton $100

Hanna Szoke $100

Lindsie Tucker $100

Dan Robbins $75

Eric Waters $75

Bruce Yanoshek* $75

John Archdeacon* $50

Daniel Boyle $45

Amy Jussel $30

Robert Blakely $25

Brad Daniels* $25

Linda Echols $25

Amy Lowenstein $25

Paula OBuckley $25

William S. Penn, Jr. $25

Sara Rivers $25

Alan Wachtel* $25

Kathleen Callahan $20

Erin Henderson $20

Daniel Kelber $20

Archie Menzies $20

Patricia Morrison $20

Aaron Priven $20

Patrick Taffe $20

Robert Fullerton $15

Elizabeth Morrison $15

Ted Syrett $15

Ray Adams $10

Joseph Byrd $10

Traudi Chiaravalloti $10

Carrie Conaway $10

Sally DeFord $10

Arumaidurai J. Dharmaraj: $10

Gregory Fleischman* $10

Costas Hatzakos $10

Erica Hruby* $10

Dirk Lebsack: $10

Bob Mueller $10

Leo Peters $10

Douglas Taylor $10

Eric Zimmerman* $10

Nell DeTreville* $7

Jean Biver $5

Larry Hanson $5

Jane Moore $5

Pritesh Patel $5

Katharyn Waterfield $5

Dawn Friedman $2

Jukka Korpela $2

Kim MacDonald $2

William Steele $2

Those who helped keep this site running in 2002

These generous folks have made donations to Take Our Word For It:

Mark Kalil $200

John Archdeacon $50

Richard Booth $50

Robert Dodd $50

Terence Flanagan $50

Steve Wolfman: $40

Brad Daniels $30

Anonymous: $25

John Arlidge $25

Daniel Boyle $25

George Clark $25

Erica Hruby $25

Alan Wachtel: $25

Robert Band $20

Gary and Barbara Bertrand $20

Birger Drake $20

William Hunt $20

Darin Johnson $20

Daniel Kelber $20

Kathleen M. Lyons $20

David Mills $20

Angie Allen $10

Lawrence M. Blim $10

Roland Bogush $10

Judith and Christopher Cuneo $10

Nell DeTreville, $10

Gregory Fleischman: $10

Danielle Jahnke, $10

Fred Kerner $10

Karen Leuschner-Pearson $10

Edward Remler $10

Linda Branam $5

Joseph Byrd $5

Kenneth Hardy $5

Risha Jorgensen: $5

Dr. Taher Kagalwala: $5

Catherine Meredyk: $5

Ralph Slade $5

Tim Sylvester $5

Delcie Ligh $2

Edward Nicewander: $1

Those who helped keep this site running in 2001

David Zecchini: $150 (and $150 to the Red Cross)

J. Donald Berger $100

Michael B. Plog $75

John Windham $25 (and $25 to the Red Cross)

Richard Booth $50

Dennis Foley $50

Glen R. Galbraith $50

Daniel and Laura Kelber $50

Mike Sher, $50

Edward Dyer $25

Debbie Trant $20

Alan Nelson $20 (and $20 to the Red Cross)

Erica Austin $20

David M. Childers $10 (and $10 to the Red Cross)

Allan Price $20

Carl Hutchinson $15

Nell DeTreville $10

Erica Hruby $10

Monika Schwarzback $10

LaVona Sherarts $10

William Walter $10

Bruce Yanoshek $10

Eric D. Zimmerman $10

Charles and Kathryn Thompson $8

Lawrence Holtzman $1.50 (and $1.50 to the Red Cross)

Kin Hylton Family Organization: $0.50

Myrt M. Cordon

C. Lee

Peggy Sailors

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!  Your contributions go a long way to help keep TOWFI going. 

*indicates those who have donated more than once.  We thank you for your continued generosity!

Comments, additions? Send to Melanie & Mike:
Copyright © 1995-
2004 TIERE
Last Updated 11/15/06 06:21 PM